Repair and Rehabilitation
Structural Repair Strategies:
Our core capabilities include the identification and design of thoroughly-formulated structural repair strategies for building facades, high-rise commercial office buildings, public buildings, high-rise residential buildings, industrial plants, civil structures, masonry and concrete dams, bridges fire-affected structures etc. We also undertake recommendation of restoration & repairs measure of Heritage buildings and structures Our work includes concrete, brick/stone masonry & steel structures. We also solve building roof waterproofing problems through the use of various types of roof membrane systems.
Use of Latest Concrete Repair Materials and Equipment:
SHIVGANGA DIVINE has access to the latest technology in both concrete repair and related materials and the necessary equipment, enabling us to solve clients' maintenance and repair problems through integrated solutions tailored to the short, immediate or long term measures as appropriate
SHIVGANGA DIVINE is dedicated to creating value for its asset management customers by utilising best practices, methods and technology to solve structural repair and restoration problems being forced by owners and managers